Apple launches in the production of mobile process "iPhone 6 S" advantage Force Touch

 According to several informed sources, including the agency "Bloomberg" news that the US Apple started producing the next generation of the iPhone and phones that Simitaz Force Touch feature that empowers users to change settings and implementation of several orders on the device by pressing the on-screen power.

Force Touch feature is one of the most important features and adopted by the American company for the first time in Apple and H-hour, She then added on its computers portable "MacBook".
And he told the agency "Bloomberg" that the next iPhone, which is expected to be "iPhone 6 S" will carry this feature. US phone company decided synthesized starting from next month.

So Vhatv iPhone 6 S, which will contain this feature in addition to what revealed by Apple earlier in which the arrival of this phone in two sizes in terms of the screen and are 4.7 and 5.5 inches, it will be the most prominent bets that will compete with the American company South rival Korean "Samsung" which already phone "Galaxy S 6 Edge" which is based the most important factors in his ecstatic users curved screen of the two sides launched